Foundation46 gives students the opportunity to explore their own ingenuity and create something they may have only dreamed of by supporting projects, both in schools and in the community. We have funded grants for Makerspaces, robotics, and 3D printing. The Foundation also helped students bring the Summer Days Go-Kart Races into the community. Foundation46 fosters a sense of community for our children by showing that they are valued while raising our children’s awareness of their future possibilities.
Because the Foundation has 501(c)(3) status it is able to apply for grants and accept tax-deductible donations. We raise funds with our annual Barnfest event and Major Saver campaign so that we can offer staff grants to District 46 teachers and support other educational events in the community. Our community wants to provide the very best educational opportunities for our children. What better way to aid in the success of our children than through Foundation46!
Our Mission & Vision
Our mission is to enhance and enrich the educational experience offered to all students in D46. We are motivated by the vision that all D46 students will have exposure to a wide variety of educational experiences that will prepare them to become life-long learners and to fulfill their individual dreams and passions.